The Pulse

The Pulse

The Pulse – Connect with the heartbeat of Effort.
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This weekend we usher in the first Sunday of Advent. Depending on the tradition you come from, Advent can be comforting or downright confusing. The word “advent” is derived from the latin word, adventus, meaning coming. We celebrate Christ’s first coming into the world in the manger in Bethlehem and we anticipate when Christ will return and consummate His kingdom. We look back on God’s powerful work with gratitude and look forward in eager anticipation for His Kingdom to break through in our lives and community.

One of the ways we mark this season is through the lighting of the advent candles during our services. In the ancient world, various peoples lit fires to mark the turning of the light into winter’s season and to pray for the return of the light. The church has Christianized that practice in the lighting of the Advent wreath. To us, these candles are signs of the growing light of Christ who is coming again in all fullness into the darkness of our world. Until the dawning of that Great Day, we watch and wait in Holy Spirit for Christ’s coming into the darkness of our world, lighting candles of hope, peace, joy, and love; and remembering the promises of God with prayer.

Grace & Peace,


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