Church Life

Church Life

Church Life – News and Updates From
Effort Church
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August 3, 2021

The Communicator #2

I had promised to provide communications about the Pastor Search process. And until tonight, there wasn’t really much to report. But at tonight’s Church Council meeting, there was some reporting from Chairman Rob. (Of course I’m sure you all watched it on Zoom []) but for those who might have missed it …

Chairman Rob has been the point of the spear so far. He has spoken with reps at the BGAV, with John Chandler (you do remember him, don’t you?), and with a consulting firm called CHC. (Center for Healthy Churchs, Turns out that there are a multitude of consulting firms that specialize in services to churches, including Pastor Search services. Who knew?

CHC comes highly recommended. Including direct recommendations from John Chandler. They have an outstanding track record in helping churches find a Pastor withing one year. (This is a desire expressed by many who have contacted the Council. They don’t want a multi-year search, even though the last produced an excellent result.) In the meantime, BGAV’s resources are near maxed out. Seems like we are not the only church seeking a new Pastor. And CHC will make use of whatever BGAV resources are available.

What would CHC offer us? Well, there will be a Church Council meeting on 8/4 where CHC will present their proposal. No decision has yet been made. But, generally, their commitment would involve developing a vision of the church, providing a template for the Search Committee, providing 10 pastoral candidates for committee review. Some of this can be seen in

How much will this cost? Well, somewhere in the region of $20K. This will cover the duration of the process.

Will the 8/4 meeting with CHC be a Zoom broadcast? That is not yet decided.

And that is just about it on Pastor Search News. Not much yet, other than plans, but the ball is about to start rolling.


So what else did Council speak about? (You mean you weren’t there?)

Budget planning. Yes, contributions are down about 22% but due to excellent financial management and some special contributions (especially including the Governments CARES Act) we are actually in pretty good shape. The Finance Committee is developing forecasts for various financial scenarios over the next three years.

COVID Guidelines:

Staff: New guidelines proposed by Personnel Committee were approved.

School: Guidelines from last year (masks, separation, barriers, etc.) are still in force. Proposed new guidelines are being discussed but are not approved. People are passionate on both sides. Further discussion is needed and will continue. It is recognized that this is an urgent issue.
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7820 Thomas Jefferson Parkway
Palmyra, Virginia