The Communicator – 09252021 – Council

The Communicator – 09252021 – Council

Putting out two Communicators in quick succession today because there are separate things which I think should be of interest. One is Thursday’s Council meeting, which this Communicator is covering. The other is Matt’s message of last Sunday which was also covered in Friday’s Pulse. I will cover those in the next Communicator.

Council Meeting 09232021

Opened with prayer

Jason on Gratefulness
     We planned for worst, God gave us the best

Minutes approved unanimously

Committee reports:

     90 backpacks to Liberia
     Bibles sent to Fork Union, Students on fire

Building & Grounds:
     Playground upgrade
          spray and treat mulch

Nominating: need more people for Nominating Committee

School Board: recruiting for Asst. Director

     Christmas planning
     Feedback on Sunday message positive
          need input on how to proceed

     Trunk ‘n’ Treat planning
     Youth Activity on Oct 10 will not interfere with Pastor Search meeting.
     Positive feedback on Darren’s school activity

     Modification needed to how trailer sewage is handled
          Scott developing plan.
     Janitorial service being recruited.
     New members class planning.
          Virtual also
          How to receive members virtually?
          Already baptized, OK.

Senior Pastor Search:
     First meeting 10/10
     History info needed
     Tables, Timeline, Stickies
     No staff to attend meeting. It is felt that their presence inhibits input.

     Mtgs 10/14, 10/28, 11/11
     Officer election next meeting.

Upward Basketball: (Kevin Carter)
     School Covid rules
     Limit crowd

David Ahearn – Need to develop plan for discipline of considering new proposals. Will submit suggestions.