Communicator 06052022
Church Council Meeting – 5/26/2022
Council Members Present: Rob Jones (Chair), Nate Brown (Secretary), Amy Beyer, Rachel Besecker
Staff Present: Matt O’rear, Darren Keithley, Jason Bird, Emily Anne Graham
Others Present: Sims Wright, Deb Kurre, Ted Bruning,
This is a report of the Council Meeting of 5/26/2022. I’m kind of late in providing the report.
Council Members present: Amy Beyer, Rob Jones, Rachel Besecker, Nate Brown
Staff present: Matt O’Rear, Jason Bird, Darren Keithley, EmilyAnne Graham
Others present: Ted Bruning, Deb Kurre, Sims Wright
Matt provided an inspirational devotion on ‘in the presence of the Lord, chaos becomes order’.
Darren reported that VBS volunteer registration was open.
EmilyAnne reported on the end of school.
—– 70 Summer Day students are enrolled.
Jason reported on the ongoing mortgage refinance negotiations and that there were two offers from a different bank.
Council approved a motion authorizing spending up to $2000 for an appraisal.
Jason to contact Affordable Housing and Air for a bid on repair or FLC AC unit.
Ted Bruning (Finance Committee) reported on church’s financial status.
—– New budget being prepared for presentation to congregation. Although the fiscal year is being changed from October to July, there is an approved budget through the end of September, providing time to fully develop the new budget.
—– School budget is based on each class having enough students to be revenue neutral. Generally this means 10 students per class.
—– —– Question raised whether if one class is more than 10 and another is less than 10, can they be balanced out as neutral. Council to consider and respond when numbers are real.
—– —– Teacher letters for new year state specifically that employment is based on class size.
—– Mortgage payment comes mostly from restricted cash accrued from school income.
—– Payments to Pastor Search Consultants end in June.
—– $5200 was alloted to Pastor Search Team for interview travel expenses.
—– It is estimated that there could be $150K unrestricted cash at end of FY.
—– There is approx. $52K in Build the Future (contributions for paying the mortgage).
—– In the past year, Church has received gifts of $165K, 90K, 75K, and anticipates a restricted gift of 150K.
There was lengthy discussion of whether to attempt to pay off the mortgage rather than refinance it.
—– If paid off, there would be approx. $7000 per month available for church operations.