What to Expect

What to Expect

What about my children?

We have a nursery that would love to care for your child while you worship. You’re also welcome to have your little ones in worship with you and can drop them in the nursery if you need to.

What about my kids (K-5th)?

We love for the whole family to worship together. On first Sundays, children stay in service. There are coloring sheets available for them. On other Sundays kids are invited to children’s chapel midway through the service.

What about my students (6th-12th)?

Students meet every Sunday morning at 9am to chat about life and study scripture. Once a month they have fun and engaging events. In the summers they have opportunities to go on mission and serve others in the name of Jesus.

What about me?

We have many ways to engage in community and faith formation for all ages

  • For parents we have parent playdates – essentially, a low-impact time to meet other parents while your kiddos play on our spacious playground. It meets at 6PM on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays.
  • For men and women we have sunday school and bible studies that run through the week.
  • For 50 and up we have “Young at Heart” that meets Thursdays at 11:30.
  • For all ages we have Wednesday night supper and bible study (seasonal – not currently meeting).

We also have incredible opportuinites to serve our community and beyond through missions like Effort Comfort and Mobility (providing medical equipment at no cost), mission work in Liberia, ministering to the incarcerated and more.

How do I attend service?

Attend live at 10:00AM in our Family Life Center (FLC).

We have two ways to attend services online (although we recommend the first option for stability and for the best experience):

On our dedicated Church Online Platform on Sundays at 10:00AM (a mosaic of worship expression)

On our Facebook page on Sundays at 10:00AM (a mosaic of worship expression)

Have any more questions? Use the form below to send us a question, and we promise to get back to you shortly.

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