We believe one of the greatest investments we can make in God’s Kingdom is into the next generation — with our children & young adults. Our goal is to recapture the attention of Fluvanna’s children & young adults with the life changing relevance of the gospel.
EPIC meets in-person Sundays from 6-7 pm in our Family Life Center. Our youth share hangout time, face-to-face teaching, and break-out group time. Contact Kelsey, our Youth Minister, for more info.
Kelsey Holtz – kelsey@effortchurch.org or 434-589-8962
@effortbaptistyouth is the EPIC Instagram page. Give it a follow to keep up to date with events that are taking place for EPIC youth.
And join the Epic Student Ministries Facebook Group for the most up-to-date info.
For a look into the future, check out the EPIC EVENTS DOCUMENT. But check it regularly because it is subject to rapid change.