The Communicator – 02/06/2022

The Communicator – 02/06/2022

The Communicator – 02062022

Nothing startlingly new today, just a compilation of some recent happenings.

Today there were two services (9AM and 11AM) in the FLC. In the service Council Chair Rob Jones announced the result of the survey taken last Sunday. Numbers are from memory here but out of 112 surveys, 93 were in favor of single service-10AM-FLC. Council has voted that we will resume that schedule next Sunday. (16 were in favor of two services, 3 did not specify.)

Starting this Wednesday (2/9/2022) at 6PM there will be a dinner served in the FLC. The church will provide the main dish. Those attending are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. The dinners will continue for the next 7 weeks.

The dinners are an accompaniment of the sermon series which started today. At last week’s service a page was handed out which listed the themes for each week of the series. Each dinner will include a presentaton on that week’s theme.

Text of the descriptive page is below.

The Fellowship of the Believers
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They soldproperty and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Acts 2:42-47

Week 1 – Fellowship: Fellowship is more than coffee and conversation before service ora potluck dinner.
Week 2 – Teaching: Teaching is more than standing up and speaking in front of a group or class.
Week 3 – Prayer: Prayer is more than asking for stuff.
Week 4 – Hospitality: Hospitality is more than saying hello to your neighbor.
Week 5 – Generosity: Generosity is not about how much you give.
Week 6 – Worship: Worship is more than singing.
Week 7 – Multiplication: Multiplication is more than telling people to come to Church.


– A new charter for Building and Grounds Committee is being developed.
– Missions Committee has procured firewood for any who are in need.
– Searching for new janitorial service.
– Mortgage balloon payment refinance is in process.
– A special worship night is being planned for Easter.
– Pastor Search Committee has held some organizing meetings. John Rhea is compiling the information from the three congregational conversations to create the Church Profile. The Council will create the Pastoral Profile.
– It has been proposed to create a special committee to develop a 3 – 5 year strategic plan for the church. After significant discussion the proposal was tabled until the next meeting.


And I think that is it for now.