The Communicator – 06/23/2022 – Church Council

The Communicator – 06/23/2022 – Church Council

The Communicator – 06232022 – Church Council

Present: Rob Jones (Chair), Nate Brown (secretary), Rachel Besecker, Amy Beyer, Tami Bourne
Pastors: Darren Keithley, Jason Bird, Matt O’Rear
Others: Sims Wright, Joyce Dempf, Deb Kurre

MInutes for April and May approved by vote.

Report from Pastor Darren: EPIC doing cleanup at church on Sunday, off to Creation Fest on Wednesday, more than 400 shoes collected at VBS

Report from School Director: School numbers still somewhat soft but all committed to enrollment numbers that will fulfill business goals of self supporting school Promo videos being created to advertise for more students.

Administrator report: Appraisal (to support church refi) due the 7th. Refi (to lock rate) due the 11th. We were challenged for EIN paperwork. Planning to get that from IRS. With help of Cari Brown, updating kitchen materiel.

Mission Committee report: Planning for Operation Christmas Child.

Sunday Members Meeting: Rob is isolating due to covid exposure and Nate Brown will stand in for him.

School Board report: Soliciting grants for school scholarships ($6900/yr). Requested means for displaying who donated how much money. Denied, as being unscriptural, but each donor will get letter of recongnition.

Tami Bourne presented concept of Community Youth Gathering. Concept well received. Darren will open conversations with other church leaders. Sadie to take lead after Creation Fest.

Discussion of giving Pastoral Staff voting rights in Council. Would require some significant rewriting of Constitution and Bylaws. Discussion of whether it is a good idea given church history balanced against Biblical view of what church governance should be like. Decision postponed for a time of prayer and reflection.

Adjourned to executive session on personnel matters.