Posts by Matt O'Rear
The Pulse – 07/09/2021
Church Life – News and Updates From Effort Church View this email in your browser ( July 9, 2021
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How do people get nominated for church office?
1. Q: How do people get nominated? A: Well, you nominate them. 2. Q: Who can be nominated? A: Anyone’s name can be submitted for nomination but most committee positions require that they be filled by a member. 3. Q: How do I know what positions are open for nomination? A: Glad you asked.…
Why Amend the Constitution and Bylaws?
Why amend the Constitution and Bylaws? Hi. I am Sims Wright and I am a member of the Church Council, in the last year of my term, and the driving force behind this proposed amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws of Effort Baptist Church. Since most members are barely aware that there is a Constitution and Bylaws, I thought I would explain why I believe it is important…